Vanesssa Velib’s gaze can be found without referring to specific places and instead choosing to transform her work into a sphere of dialogue with the most commonly used codes: the alphabet with a succulent thickness created by the impasto that suggests matter, where compositions make an invitation to a sensual touch, a fundamental and constant element in her work.
Velib establishes a communion with nature, as she rejects conventions and discovers her own personal language to achieve her goal. She achieves this through her use of color saturation along with thick and marked contours, thus creating a network of shapes that are significant by themselves.
There is a swift, violent, and compelling treatment with an urgent sense of change and metamorphosis. This is a style known as "all over" painting where there is no prior idea of composition, without difference between figure and background; in which each element can get confused with everything in a space without neutral or empty areas. Quick brushstrokes, impastos, and broad stripes of color integrated in various directions can be distinguished; confirming the artist's interest to suggest - rather than the experience of nature - the very nature of the act of painting.
In her work we find echoes of Abstract Expressionism, as she holds stylistic correspondences with Gorky, Pollock, Motherwell, Rothko y Kline, all of whom manifest the improvised states of the unconscious through brushstrokes and paint drips. With these gestures, Velib seduces in a definite way the importance of abstract movement by proposing a generous materiality where a center of gravity is built and given by the sumptuous color that supports it as a visual metaphor.
Related to “action painting”, Vanessa Velib revisits the extraordinary freedoms of shapes and colors, impastos and scratches, objects or subjects that she incorporates into her compositions appearing as bodies in a continuous metamorphosis.